Train travel is now much easier than it used to be for anyone with a disability.
Booking your journey
All trains should now be wheelchair accessible, but there are still a few older trains which do not yet meet the new standards. Many stations are also accessible, but again there are still some where access between platforms is difficult and will involve climbing steep stairs.
If you plan to go by train it is important to check in advance both that the train will be accessible and that the stations where your journey will start or finish are also accessible and will have staff available at the times you want to travel. National Rail Enquiries can help with accessible services, stations and booking assistance. See https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations_destinations/disabled_passengers.aspx.
Passenger Assist
There is a free service available to provide you with the help you might need to make a train journey. Passenger Assist will arrange to:
- meet you at the station entrance or meeting point
- help you navigate around the station and accompany you to your train
- help you on and off the service
- provide a ramp on and off your train
- meet you from your train and take you to your next train or the exit
- carry your bag (up to three items of luggage).
You can book assistance 24 hours before you travel by calling 0800 0223720.
On board
You are able to travel in your wheelchair or to transfer to a seat if you prefer. The wheelchair spaces are located close to accessible toilets which are available on all new trains.
Disabled Persons Railcard
If you are planning to travel often by train, it will be worthwhile to get a Disabled Persons Railcard. See https://www.disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk/. This will give you a discount on journeys both for yourself and a travelling companion.
There may be a Transport Hub near you which could help and offer advice and guidance.