Coronavirus: Helping Others and Yourselves - Useful Links and Information - Driving Mobility

Coronavirus: Helping Others and Yourselves – Useful Links and Information

Useful links and information concerning the Coronavirus outbreak which you may find useful. Please feel free to share.

Useful links and information that has come in to Driving Mobility which you may find useful. Please feel free to share.

THE VULNERABLE – the Government are writing this week to those deemed most vulnerable to COVID -19 and recommending a period of isolation. This includes those undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplants and those living with cystic fibrosis. As well as recommending a 12-week isolation period, they can register as a vulnerable person to receive essential food deliveries. You can do this for them – but will need their NHS number

DEMENTIA – Caring for someone living with dementia can be isolating at any time. Alzheimer’s Society offer a telephone support line – Dementia Connect Support Line on 0333 150 3456. It’s opened every day and are exploring how times can be currently extended.

ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY – also offer an online forum for those living with & supporting those living with dementia.

MENTAL HEALTH – Looking after our mental well-being is just as important as physical

THE SAMARITANS – Tel: 116 123.

ACTION FOR HAPPINESS – have a coping calendar for April

LEARNING & PHYSICAL DISABILITIES -Easy Read Guide on Corona Virus for People with Learning Disabilities:



OLDER PEOPLE – the Silverline is a free 24 hr phone advice service for the elderly. It offers telephone friendship where someone is matched with a volunteer with similar interests to provide regular conversations. Tel No: 0800 470 8090




MAINTAINING MOBILITY AND CONDITION in a safe and supportive way through these evidence based exercises – try them for yourself:

Later Life Training: LLT-Calendar-2020-Final

Chair based exercise: Chair Based Exercise Programme Booklet

Chair yoga and wheelchair exercises:

Free virtual exercise classes from Better/GGL


And if you are looking for skills improvement, here are some ideas:

Open University Courses

Online music classes

Free eBooks

Free language lessons