Driving Mobility and University of Chester Co-Delivered Study Routes - 23rd & 24th January 2018 - Driving Mobility

Driving Mobility and University of Chester Co-Delivered Study Routes – 23rd & 24th January 2018

Module 2 – Understanding Cognition and Vision in Relation to Fitness to Drive

The Driving Mobility and University of Chester Co-Delivered Study Routes Module 2 – Understanding Cognition and Vision in Relation to Fitness to Drive – will take place on 23 and 24 January 2018 at Chester University.

Topics in Module 2 will include sessions on:

  • ‘Vision: What is it and how do we see’ and ‘Visual Perception: effects of impairment on fitness to drive’ which will be presented by Mr Tom Eke, Consultant Ophthalmologist
  • ‘Traumatic Brain Injury and impact on fitness to drive’ and ‘Evaluating cognition in relation to fitness to drive’ presented by Dr. Gavin Newby, Clinical Neuropsychologist, and
  • ‘Effects of ageing on cognition and cognitive processes’ presented by Dr. Sally Gilmour, Specialty Doctor, Old Age Psychiatry.

Pictured (right) are Anu Varshney (Associate Tutor) welcoming students to the event and students taking part in a lively debate during the course (left).