Smart Wheelchair with Driving Assistance and a Virtual Reality Driving Simulator - Driving Mobility

Smart Wheelchair with Driving Assistance and a Virtual Reality Driving Simulator

Are you a Healthcare Professional? Cornwall Mobility needs your help!

As part of ADAPT*, a European project, we are using an on-line questionnaire to launch a major investigation on both sides of the Channel to obtain the opinions and ideas of professionals (occupational therapists, physical medicine doctors and rehabilitation doctors, etc.) involved in the training and evaluation of users to drive powered wheelchairs.

We need your input and thank you in advance for your valuable assistance in carrying out this survey.

The on-line questionnaire aims to collect the practice of professionals and to identify their expectations for technologies such as smart assistive wheelchairs and virtual reality driving simulators.

The questionnaire was developed by the French and British teams from exploratory interviews with health professionals and takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

It does not invalidate the questionnaire if you cannot answer all the questions.

Expertise in training users to drive powered wheelchairs is also not required to complete the questionnaire!

The more persons involved, the more the data will be representative of the expectations of the actors on the ground.

So please go ahead!

TO PARTICIPATE, click on the link below which will provide additional information and lead you into the questionnaire:

The results from this questionnaire will guide future developments taking into account field practices and your ideas.

* The ADAPT project is a European project involving French and British research teams whose objective is to develop a connected intelligent wheelchair and a virtual wheelchair driving simulator in virtual reality (