Desperate to Drive Archives - Driving Mobility

WMDAS Cardiff driving assessment centre on TV

‘Desperate to Drive’ to tells the story of 4 people who are desperate to drive, their background, the assessment, the outcome and their future following the assessment.

Throughout the summer the Cardiff driving assessment centre, part of the Wales Mobility & Driving Assessment Service, has been involved with the filming of 4 of their clients with the production company Wildflame.

‘Desperate to Drive’ to tells the story of 4 people who are desperate to drive, their background, the assessment, the outcome and their future following the assessment.  A picture tells a 1000 words and this certainly hits home the good work undertaken by mobility centres; it has it all, with tears and laughter along the way.

The programme will be broadcast on Wednesday December 4th at 8pm on BBC WALES. (BBC ONE WALES HD & WALES ONLY)

For those not viewing BBC One Wales you can watch the programme on iPlayer via this link:
(This programme will be available shortly after broadcast)