Hull and East Riding Archives - Driving Mobility

Staying Connected, Staying Safe with Regional Driving Assessment Centre

Some useful Regional Transport Hub Project information from Regional Driving Assessment Centre (RDAC) for Hull and East Riding and Greater Manchester areas.

Some useful information from Regional Driving Assessment Centre (RDAC) for Hull and East Riding and Greater Manchester areas.

It can be difficult getting out and about, especially if you don’t drive, but did you know there are options you can explore?

RDAC are offering free advice and support to explore what travel options are available to you in your local area and beyond.

Would you like:
• Advice on keeping driving?
• Advice on public transport and taxis?
• Advice on mobility scooters and accessible transport?
• Help to improve your confidence to travel?

Regional Transport Hub Project in Hull and East Riding and Greater Manchester. Please call RDAC on 0300 300 2240 or 07399 239917 or email to discuss your personal local transport options

#Manchester #HullandEastRiding #HUBS #Mobility #Independence #AccessibleTransport #MobilityScooters #Driving #MyDrivingMobility


RDAC Manchester A5 leaflet_email

RDAC Hull A5 leaflet_email