QEF Mobility Services Archives - Driving Mobility

Driving Mobility ‘Centre of the Month’ QEF Mobility Services in Surrey

Michelle Giles, Centre Manager at QEF Mobility Services in Carshalton, Surrey shares some information about the team, their services and the centre’s history, as they celebrate 40 years as a Mobility Centre this year.

Michelle Giles, Centre Manager at QEF Mobility Services in Carshalton, Surrey shares some information about the team, their services and the centre’s history, as they celebrate 40 years as a Mobility Centre this year.

QEF started life in 1934 as a specialist vocational training college for disabled people.  In 1956 Banstead Place was set up to train those who had been categorised as ‘young chronic sick’ in all activities of daily living.

In 1974 the focus of Banstead Place shifted to becoming a specialist unit for young people of school age with disabilities that needed support with mobility and assistive technology.  Most students were full-time wheelchair users or able to walk only a few steps indoors so giving them outdoor mobility skills was key to them developing as young people in society.

The government introduced Mobility Allowance in 1976, a tax-free benefit available to disabled people who were unable or virtually unable to walk.  Although this benefited people ordinarily considered too disabled to drive, QEF sourced modified vehicles, driving instructors and a safe place to train, and decided to develop its own assessment and training programme.

In 1981, Banstead Place Mobility Centre was officially opened but the service was only available to QEF residents.  After receiving a grant of £10,000 from the Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS) in 1982, QEF was able to make its services available to the public creating the UK’s first mobility centre in the process.

Their fantastic team consists of 29 staff, 5 contractors and 10 volunteers and Michelle feels privileged to work with them.  They have given advice on all kinds of transport including trains, boats, trikes and even a segway. If it moves outdoors, the QEF team can assess it!!

Their driving school provides practical tuition as well as support with learning driving theory.

They also have the Tryb4uFly, a support service specially created by QEF in 2012 to reduce the anxieties and stress for people with disabilities before and during air travel.  We also have an equipment hire service supported by their fundraising team.

Over the last 40 years they have been able to help a lot of people through providing our services: –

  • Over 200,000 people have been helped with information and advice
  • Over 35,000 people have been assessed
  • Over 30,000 hours of tuition have been delivered through our driving school
  • We have welcomed over 20,000 visitors

The QEF team are looking forward to some new initiatives over the coming year including the Police Fitness to Drive referral scheme, opening of 2 new outreach centres, increasing paediatric expertise and services and the expansion of their equipment hire to name just a few.

If you are local to the Surrey area and want to find out more about how the QEF Mobility Services team can help you or someone you know please visit:

Web: http://qef.org.uk/our-services/qef-mobility-services

Tel: 020 8770 1151

Email: mobility@qef.org.uk

#MyDrivingMobility #DrivingAssessments #DisabledDrivers #Surrey


Latest mobility scooter training at QEF to support new Driving Mobility HUBS initiative

TGA has provided a free educational workshop for professionals at QEF Mobility Services, South London, so its assessors can provide the latest mobility scooter advice to clients.

TGA has provided a free educational workshop for professionals at QEF Mobility Services, South London, so its assessors can provide the latest mobility scooter advice to clients.

Part of the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People, QEF Mobility Services is one the UK’s largest charitable providers of mobility advice and equipment for people with disabilities and age-related impairments. Based in Carshalton, it is part of the nationwide Driving Mobility network of driving assessment centres which is supported by the Department for Transport. Each of the 20 main centres, many with additional outreach facilities, provide guidance on assisted driving, adapted vehicles and fitness-to-drive. Occupational Therapists (OTs), Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) and Administration staff support individuals signposted from the DVLAMotabilityPolice and healthcare professionals.

QEF Mobility Services is currently one of seven centres involved with a pilot ‘HUBS’ scheme led by Driving Mobility which aims to provide advice regarding accessible travel, transport and lifestyles. Part of this initiative is to focus on providing solutions if individuals have their driving licence revoked ie. keeping people mobile and connected as per the Government’s latest inclusive strategy. Solutions can include the safe and appropriate use of mobility scooters – hence the workshop by TGA.

QEF team members received an informative presentation from TGA’s Eric Cooper and the opportunity to test drive a range of latest products from this established supplier. Education included a variety of topics ranging from scooter classification, the Highway Code and social prescription. OTs, ADIs and clinicians were able to experience hands-on the TGA Breeze S4, Supersport, Minimo Autofold and the multi award-winning WHILL Model C powerchair.

Paul Graham, QEF Senior Occupational Therapist commented: “We would like to thank Eric and Dom from TGA for taking the time to present to us. Their practical mobility scooter demonstrations and our team test drives provided the opportunity to see and feel the latest technology in action and appreciate how mobility scooter styling has been modernised. We had a new member of staff attend who had never driven a scooter before so this provided the ideal opportunity to understand about speed control and handling.”

Paul continues: “The value of scooters in terms of social inclusion is immeasurable however safe driving and correct product provision is imperative – this is why QEF assessment services are vital. This also dovetails with our Transport Hub programme so we can offer advice on accessible travel with scooters. Amanda Beck, our Transport Hub Project Lead, also attended which was beneficial to the whole pilot programme. TGA’s workshop was a rewarding addition to our educational agenda.”

Eric Cooper, TGA Product Specialist added: “Dom and I were delighted with the positive feedback we received from the attendees at QEF. We were asked lots of questions and the interactive test drive session was a light-hearted experience with an educational purpose. We handed out copies of our new professional’s guide to scooters and highlighted the other signposting material we have in production, including the scooter passport. TGA is fully supportive of Driving Mobility’s HUBS initiative as we believe greater accessibility and social engagement is vital for positive mental health and well-being.”

TGA provides free educational workshops for healthcare professionals so the latest knowledge regarding mobility scooters can be gathered for enhanced assessment processes. In addition, it offers a comprehensive support programme for safe scooter driving awareness days, online advice, driver training and high-visibility clothing. Its test drive course is available free of charge for associated public and professional events and TGA advisors can provide objective guidance regarding the latest techniques to remain safe whilst driving. The test drive course will be next available at Naidex 2020 which will be held at the NEC on 17-18th March.

Disability charity QEF offers free open day for disabled people of all ages to discover latest mobility solutions

QEF will be hosting a free-to-attend mobility open day on 9th October so disabled people of all ages can discover the latest solutions for mobility, including driving adapted vehicles

Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF), accredited by Driving Mobility, will be hosting a free-to-attend mobility open day so disabled people of all ages can discover the latest solutions for mobility, including driving adapted vehicles.

Date: 9th October 2019
Location: QEF Mobility Services, 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey, SM54AW
Time: 10am – 4pm


Michelle Giles, QEF Mobility Centre Manager says: “This event will provide a unique experience for disabled people looking to increase their independence by learning to drive. Our knowledgeable team can provide support and guidance on driving an adapted car around our private track. We’ll also have Occupational Therapists available to help with mobility challenges for both children and adults. Overall the day promises to be really informative and very rewarding.”

QEF Mobility Services is proud to be part of the nationwide Driving Mobility network. Supported by the Department for Transport, Driving Mobility centres offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. Centres operate either as independent charities or within an NHS Trust. QEF is also part of the new regional transport ‘Hubs’ project which now offers additional information-led services regarding accessible bus, train, coach and taxi travel. Help with accessible locations and attractions can also be obtained along with awareness of useful local groups, charities and organisations. Advice on assisted air travel is also a particular speciality at QEF with its Tryb4uFly assessment service.

At the forthcoming QEF Mobility Open Day, there will be a display of the latest assistive equipment and QEF’s professional team will be offering free mobility assessments for children and adults. As part of the ‘Get Going Live’ feature, teenagers with disabilities or individuals new to restricted mobility, will have the opportunity to drive an adapted car around QEF’s private track. Children’s disability charity MERU, part of the QEF group, will also be exhibiting paediatric mobility and accessibility products, and will also be offering free adaptions of children’s toys so they can be used with an accessible switch.

The event will be officially opened by Susan Rogers MBE, Manager for Mobility Centres in England at the Department for Transport. Motability Ambassador, Chris Edwards, will also be in attendance to provide the latest advice regarding the popular adapted vehicle and assistive equipment leasing scheme.

Event highlights:

  • ‘Get Going Live’ – experience driving an adapted car on a private track
    with a qualified instructor. Open to everyone aged 15+
  • Vehicle seating and transfer, mobility scooter and wheelchair assessments
  • Specialist mobility scooter track
  • ‘Bugzi’ assessments – small powered wheelchairs for children under 5
  • Mobility scooter and wheelchair assessments
  • Specialist child car seat advice
  • QEF Tryb4uFly assessments – advice and information regarding air travel with a disability
  • Free toy adaptations so they can be used with an accessible switch
  • Latest information on the Motability scheme
  • All introductory assessments are free on the day if booked in advance.

To book your free introductory assessment  call QEF Mobility Services on:
Tel: 020 8770 1151 or email:




Relaunched Get Going Live! proves popular at William Merritt Centre’s AccessAbility event

The second in a series of regional Get Going Live! events, focusing on accessible motoring and independent mobility, has successfully taken place at the William Merritt Centre’s annual AccessAbility exhibition in Leeds.

The second in a series of regional Get Going Live! events, focusing on accessible motoring and independent mobility, has successfully taken place at the William Merritt Centre’s annual AccessAbility exhibition in Leeds.

18th October. Centenary Pavilion, Leeds United Football Club. LS11 0ES.

The William Merritt Centre, based in Leeds and Sheffield, is one of twenty independent organisations, many with satellite centres, which offer professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility. Supported and accredited by Driving Mobility, all centres are staffed by Occupational Therapists as well as Approved Driving Instructors so that safety and driving solutions for individuals with injuries, disabilities or restricted mobility are maximised. As well as conducting assessments on behalf of the DVLA, Motability and healthcare professionals, Driving Mobility accepts self-referrals.

Previously a feature of the national Mobility Roadshow which closed in 2017, Get Going Live! relaunched for the first time in early October 2018, at the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF), a Driving Mobility centre in Carshalton.

This latest event, hosted by the William Merritt Centre, proved popular all day with both young and older individuals, with existing or progressive conditions, benefitting from free test drives and independent, professional advice. Teenagers, from the age of 14, were provided with unique opportunities to trial adapted vehicles for the first time, in safe surroundings, enabling vital preparations for future driving with a long-term condition or disability. Vehicle manufacturers showcased their latest products as part of the Get Going Live! feature and also within the AccessAbility exhibition itself, allowing event visitors to discover suitable options for assisted and independent motoring.

David Blythe, William Merritt Centre Manager, comments: “We are delighted that our annual AccessAbility exhibition, incorporating Get Going Live! has been so well attended by both visitors and exhibitors. The Get Going Live! feature offered our visitors fantastic opportunities to try adapted and accessible vehicles, accompanied by a specialist driving instructor. This unique experience allows end-users of all ages to make informative decisions regarding safer driving as well as vehicle purchasing and adaptations.”

The wider AccessAbility exhibition successfully showcased new and innovative assistive technology and equipment from leading specialist suppliers. A number of charities were in attendance providing one-to-one advice and information for disabled children and adults or those with additional needs. The exhibition also offered a special gaming area showcasing adaptations which enable access to computers, mobile phones, tablets, toys and computer games whilst providing an area to chill out and have fun.

David Blythe concludes: “The Centenary Pavilion at Leeds United Football Ground has provided an amazing setting for a showcase of assistive products and services that enable people to live with greater independence. We wish to thank everyone involved in organising this rewarding event and look forward to a positive future for both the AccessAbility exhibition and Get Going Live! events.”

Sutton Mayor and Mayoress declare Get Going Live! an outstanding success at QEF Carshalton

The first relaunched Get Going Live! event in Carshalton, focusing on independent mobility and assisted motoring, has been hailed a success by visitors, QEF Charity organisers and the Mayor and Mayoress of Sutton.

Get Going Live! Carshalton

The first relaunched Get Going Live! event in Carshalton, focusing on independent mobility and assisted motoring, has been hailed a success by visitors, QEF Charity organisers and the Mayor and Mayoress of Sutton.

Friday 5th October. Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF), 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton. SM5 4NR.

Mayor, Councillor Steve Cook and Mayoress Pauline Cook of the London Borough of Sutton officially opened the show which was organised by QEF Mobility Services. Based in Carshalton, QEF Mobility Services is one of twenty independent organisations which offer professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility. Accredited by the charity Driving Mobility, all centres are staffed by Occupational Therapists as well as Approved Driving Instructors so that safety for drivers with injuries, disabilities or restricted mobility is maximised.

The Mayor commented: “The event has really opened my eyes to the outstanding mobility equipment and accessible vehicles that are available these days. The Mayoress and I found Get Going Live! very rewarding and we would like to congratulate QEF for delivering such vital driving and mobility services in our area.”

Karen Deacon, QEF Chief Executive added: “What an amazing day – to have all these companies together with a wealth of knowledge and information to help people become able and not disabled. From our point of view Get Going Live! has been a huge success and I would like to thank everyone who has put so much time and effort into organising the event. The support of the Mayor and Mayoress has also been fantastic – what really impressed me was the time spent with us and the number of products they tried.”

Originally a feature of the national Mobility Roadshow which closed in 2017, this new regional Get Going Live! event was busy all day with visitors engaging with exhibitors and QEF staff. Over 30 mobility equipment manufacturers showcased products and accessible vehicle test drives were available around QEF’s private test track. There were also informative seminars regarding accessible transport and advice from the QEF’s Tryb4uFly service which advises on air travel with a disability.

Marion D’Moirah, QEF Communications Manager concluded: “Today has proven that Get Going Live! is alive and well! We have welcomed so many people, of all ages, to our centre today to see and experience a comprehensive range of products and services for greater independence. Bathed in glorious sunshine, our private track has been popular all day with visitors taking advantage of the 30 adapted and accessible vehicles available for test drives. The support of all the exhibitors is appreciated and as the atmosphere has been so positive and rewarding, we feel confident Get Going Live! will be even more of a success in 2019.”