The Motability Scheme Archives - Driving Mobility

D.A.D successfully hosts Driving Mobility’s North West Regional Open Day

Sunday 14th July. The date of one of the most eagerly awaited events in the calendar. No, not the UEFA EURO 2024 final, but Driving Mobility’s North West Regional Open Day!

Sunday 14th July. The date of one of the most eagerly awaited events in the calendar. No, not the UEFA EURO 2024 final, but Driving Mobility’s North West Regional Open Day!

A great team effort saw staff from Chester DriveAbility (CDA), DriveAbility North West (DANW), Regional Driving Assessment Centre, Manchester (RDAC) and William Merritt Centre (WMC) come together as part of Warrington Disability Awareness Day (DAD). Organised annually by Warrington Disability Partnership, DAD 2024 took place at Walton Hall Gardens, with Driving Mobility recognised, and thanked, for being one of the event sponsors.

Spilling out of a large marquee, the Driving Mobility stand was one of over 100 displays in and around a large, tented village across the gardens highlighting a range of solutions which support independent living and mobility.

Useful discussions took place with other organisations exhibiting on the day, including the Limbless Association, the Amputee Foundation and vehicle adaptations company BAS (NW).

It was the interactive elements of Driving Mobility’s display stand which caught the attention of visitors, including three adapted cars and a large, powered wheelchair and mobility scooter (PWMS) test track. The track was put to good use by visitors trialling mobility scooters and a powered wheelchair, as well as a Wizzybug.

Pictured below with Keith Roper, Driving Mobility Chief Operating Officer (centre), are staff from CDA, DANW, RDAC and WMC.

Driving Mobility’s Harlow Centre delivers successful Open Day for drivers with disabilities

Driving Mobility’s Harlow Centre delivers successful Open Day for drivers with disabilitiesThe national charity Driving Mobility and its Herts Ability Driving Assessment Centre in Harlow, have hosted a popular Open Day dedicated to helping drivers with disabilities.

The national charity Driving Mobility and its Herts Ability Driving Assessment Centre in Harlow, have hosted a popular Open Day dedicated to helping drivers with disabilities.

Jointly organised by Herts Ability, East Anglian DriveAbility and South East DriveAbility, the event offered the opportunity for public and professional visitors to discover the latest driving adaptations and wheelchair friendly vehicles for people with restricted mobility. Several vehicle adaptation companies and an NHS wheelchair team worked alongside Driving Mobility staff to offer a varied showcase of assistive equipment. The day attracted a healthy number of visitors and VIPs including Councillor Sue Livings and charity patron Jonathan Goodwin.

Injured celebrity stunt performer Jonathan, a Herts Ability client and wheelchair user, commented: “The Open Day has been a fantastic opportunity for people to come along and see the potential for driving independence. There are so many solutions these days to help overcome driving challenges especially as technology is moving on at pace. You can only start to understand what might suit you by getting hands-on with equipment – this is what today has all been about.”

Alongside exploring the array of accessible vehicles, specialist controls, equipment hoists and mobility scooters on display, visitors were able to experience driving with adaptations on the unique test drive track located on site. This facility was busy all day with clients and occupational therapists testing various methods of driving and different vehicles first hand.

Sean Lawrence, CEO of Herts Ability, concluded: “Today has been a success on many levels. We have engaged with local NHS staff who will now signpost more people to our services and in terms of end users, we have helped a wide range of different people get behind the wheel. As Jonathan said, there are so many ways you can drive these days with a medical condition or limited mobility and it is our job to advise and make more clients aware of these possibilities. Our Open Day has been the perfect platform for this and so we would like to thank all our exhibitors and supporters for making it happen.”

Powered wheelchair and mobility scooter retailer training comes to Inverness

City Mobility, Inverness is set to host the PWMS Retailer Training in Inverness on the 23 August 2024 with the support of DriveAbility Scotland.

City Mobility, Inverness is set to host the PWMS Retailer Training in Inverness on the 23 August 2024 with the support of DriveAbility Scotland.

Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church Office, Wellside Road, Balloch, INVERNESS IV2 7GS. 11am-3pm.

The training scheme, provided by Driving Mobility which is backed in England by the Department for Transport (DfT), aims to enhance road safety through comprehensive training for PWMS retailers and hirers. By offering free training, including both online modules and practical sessions, the scheme equips retailers with the skills needed to assess clients effectively, ensuring that individuals with mobility difficulties receive the most appropriate scooters or powerchairs.

Driving Mobility is a national charity which coordinates a network of fitness to drive and mobility equipment assessment centres. Its PWMS scheme fosters closer collaboration between retailers and it’s services so client referral pathways are strengthened. Retailers can refer clients needing more extensive clinical assessments to occupational therapists at each Driving Mobility centre so the most appropriate equipment is recommended for the best outcome.

The PWMS Inverness course marks another step in a series of well-attended training sessions across the UK. This ongoing program continues to expand, with future events planned in various locations:

23rd August 2024 – Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church Office, Wellside Road, Balloch, Inverness, IV2 7GS (organised by City Mobility, supported by DriveAbility Scotland from their Aberdeen outreach centre)

20th September 2024 – Devon Assessment Centre (Managed by Cornwall Mobility), Unit 13, Dakota Way, Skypark, Clyst Honiton, Exeter, EX5 2GE

17th October 2024 – Herts Ability, Suite 4, Wentworth Lodge, Great North Rd, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 7SR

Lunch will be provided at all venues.

Driving Mobility’s Harlow Centre to host Open Day dedicated to driving with a disability

Driving Mobility’s Harlow Centre to host Open Day dedicated to driving with a disability

The national charity Driving Mobility is inviting all members of the public and professionals, with an interest in driving with a disability, to its Herts Ability Driving Assessment Centre in Harlow for a free Open Day on the 11th July 2024.

Thursday 11th July, Herts Ability (an accredited Driving Mobility Centre), The Road Safety Centre, Edinburgh Way, Harlow, CM20 2BX. 10am-3pm. Free admission and accessible parking.

For further information and a video click here

As a charity, Herts Ability provides fitness-to-drive and mobility equipment assessments for people with disabilities. Co-ordinated by Driving Mobility and supported by the Department for Transport, Herts Ability aims to enable as many drivers as possible through clinical guidance on the most appropriate adapted controls and vehicles. Other services include specialist driving tuition and advice on accessible transport choices if using a car is not an option. Its clients self-refer or are signposted from the DVLA, Motability, NHS and Police.

Members of the public who are seeking to maintain or regain independence are invited to learn more about Driving Mobility services at this South East Open Day. Professionals who support these clients, such as Occupational Therapists and Approved Driving Instructors, are also invited to ensure their skills and knowledge are up to date.

In addition to Herts Ability, there will be members available from two other Driving Mobility Centres at the event. Representatives from East Anglian DriveAbility and South East DriveAbility will be showcasing their services which are available in Essex/Suffolk and Kent respectively.

The Open Day will offer public visitors:

  • A showcase of all Driving Mobility services
  • A chance to discover the latest driving adaptations and wheelchair friendly vehicles
  • Test drives in adapted cars
  • Advice on travel as a disabled passenger
  • Free guidance on all aspects of personal mobility and equipment

For professionals visitors:

  • Ways to improve everyday practice
  • Engagement with clients to understand and solve current challenges
  • Fresh insight from networking with fellow peers
  • Develop career opportunities

Free refreshments will be available for all visitors along with goodie bags and insightful literature. The event promises to be a positive and welcoming experience for people of all ages and professionals with a vested interest in assisted driving. For further information contact:


Herts Ability, a Driving Mobility centre, gets injured stunt performer driving again

Jonathan Goodwin, 44 from Potters Bar, is a retired escapologist and stunt performer who has been able to drive again following a life-changing accident through the support of Herts Ability, a Driving Mobility Centre.

Jonathan Goodwin, 44 from Potters Bar, is a retired escapologist and stunt performer who has been able to drive again following a life-changing accident through the support of Herts Ability, a Driving Mobility Centre.

Jonathan enquired about a driving assessment in the winter of 2022 after moving back to the UK. He had been living in America for 15 years until sustaining severe injuries during a stunt rehearsal for the TV show ‘America’s Got Talent: Extreme.’ The intention was for Jonathan to avoid two swinging cars colliding into him whilst he was suspended 30 feet in the air and attempting to escape a straitjacket, upside down. Instead, the cars were released too early crushing Jonathan and exploding on impact. Jonathan fell resulting in life changing injuries which led to five months in hospital and a long road to rehabilitation. Jonathan managed to pull through this ordeal and is now a successful entrepreneur running an innovative, online hypnotherapy clinical called Project Rewire. As a full time wheelchair user, Jonathan wanted to get back to driving independently so contacted Herts Ability for help.

Herts Ability, based in Welwyn Garden City, is part of the Driving Mobility network. Driving Mobility, a charity supported by the Department for Transport, co-ordinates 16 independent ‘fitness to drive’ and mobility equipment assessment centres across the UK. Many with outreach facilities, each centre employs Approved Driving Instructors and Occupational Therapists who provide clinical assessments and recommendations to clients signposted from the DVLA, Motability, NHS and Police. These consultations ensure drivers with disabilities can remain safely on the road through the most appropriate vehicle adaptations, techniques and training. Jonathan took a proactive approach to getting back behind the wheel by self-referring himself to expedite the possibility of receiving his driving licence back after his accident.

Jonathan picks up his story: “I had returned from America and felt like I had become a burden to my partner. I was very reliant on her if I wanted to go anywhere or do anything. My recovery was a long process; however, I needed to try and get back to driving as soon as possible. Back in 2022 during the pandemic it was taking longer for the DVLA to process cases and as I assumed they’d send me on some sort of driving assessment, I took the initiative and found Herts Ability. I hoped with their direct connections with the DVLA and a successful outcome to my assessment, I could get my licence back sooner rather than later”.

“Herts Ability were more than happy to help. We scheduled my driving assessment and honestly and truly, it couldn’t have been easier, everyone was super lovely. It was clear they were very good at doing their job and taking due diligence. The team really made sure the process was as comfortable as possible”.

“The assessment involved a desk based cognitive session and then we went out in one of the centre’s cars. I totally understood having a cognitive assessment as I’d had a very significant accident; however, thankfully I didn’t hit my head so have no issues. Once in the car it was a bit of an unusual situation for the Herts Ability Assessors as I had used adapted driving controls in the past during my stunt work. I hadn’t used them in the capacity that I was doing, but it probably made it a little bit easier for me to pick up. Saying that, I don’t think for most people adapted controls would be too difficult”.

“The outcome was I passed with flying colours and the adaptations recommended to me were a hand operated push-pull system for accelerating and braking and a steering ball. Herts Ability submitted their report to the DVLA and within a matter of a few weeks I was given the all clear to drive again with the right adapted vehicle. I found PB Conversions online who were also fantastic and managed to convert my Volvo at very short notice before Christmas”.

Jonathan has been driving for over a year now. He hopes to qualify for a Motability vehicle soon as he has been back in the UK long enough. As he lives in a remote, rural location with no public transport links, being able to drive is priceless. More recently Jonathan was asked by Herts Ability to become one of its Patrons which he proudly accepted.

In conclusion he says: “I was very flattered to be asked to be a Patron of the charity especially as I had such an amazing experience with Herts Ability. I’m all for promoting the charity and getting more people to understand that driving is possible with a disability. The adaptation technology that exists today is extraordinary”.



Driving Mobility to offer expert advice at Motability’s The Big Event

The charity Driving Mobility, which co-ordinates a network of driving and equipment assessment centres, will be demonstrating its unique range of services at Motability’s The Big Event.

The charity Driving Mobility, which co-ordinates a network of driving and equipment assessment centres, will be demonstrating its unique range of services at Motability’s The Big Event.

NEC, Birmingham (Hall 17-19). 17th and 18th May 2024. 9am – 4pm. Free entrance and parking.

Supported by the Department for Transport, the 16 Driving Mobility Centres comprise of NHS departments and independent charities that assess clients with restricted mobility who are signposted from the DVLA, Police, NHS and Motability. Its Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) and Occupational Therapists (OTs) aim to enable as many disabled people as possible through clinical ‘fitness to drive’ assessments and guidance on appropriate vehicle adaptations.

Several centres and outreach facilities also provide many other services including specialist driver training and the Hubs Mobility Advice Service. This information and advice service launched recently to assist clients who are unable to drive and require the latest recommendations with accessible transport choices in their area.

Friendly and knowledgeable representatives from Driving Mobility will be on the charity’s stand  ready to answer all queries regarding assisted driving at whatever age.  Details on the following services will be available:

  • Advice for drivers of all ages affected by Stroke, Dementia, Amputation, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Restricted Mobility, Spinal Cord Injury and more
  • Driving and passenger assessments
  • Wheelchair and scooter assessments
  • Driving tuition
  • Retirement from driving
  • Vehicle adaptations
  • Provisional drivers
  • Mobility equipment loading
  • LGV and PSV qualifications
  • Motorcycles
  • ShopMobility UK

Visitors to the stand will be able to discuss individual needs on a one-to-one basis and book driving assessments at their Driving Mobility Centre of choice.

For further information visit:




Vlogger Emily with Cerebral Palsy aims to stop ‘people like you’ discrimination through independent driving

YouTuber Emily Roberts, 22 from Swansea and wheelchair user, is aiming to highlight achievement with disability through her ability to drive independently thanks to Driving Mobility.

Wheelchair user Emily is a passionate vlogger and works as an admin assistant in a bridal shop. She believes disability is not represented enough in the media and people with restricted mobility are a ‘lost group’ within society. She is determined through her YouTube videos to change the mindset of able-bodied people so they understand what can be achieved with a disability. Emily regular encounters phrases such as ‘I’m surprised people like you can do that’ which passively discriminates against disabled individuals when discussing aspirations and achievements. Emily aims to stop this as much as she can – starting with videos that explain how she drives independently as a wheelchair user.

Emily owns a car leased through the Motability scheme which has been specifically adapted following guidance from the Driving Mobility Centre based at Rookwood Hospital, Llandaff. Operated by the South Wales Mobility & Driving Assessment Service, a charity part funded by the Welsh Government, has helped Emily gain her full driving licence so she can ‘prove to the world what is possible with cerebral palsy’.

Emily first discovered Driving Mobility at a local disability youth group. The subject of assisted driving came up and the centre at Rookwood Hospital was discussed. Emily was slightly dubious and confused about the possibility of driving with her condition however she made contact and an appointment was arranged at The South Wales Mobility & Driving Assessment Service. This centre is part of the national Driving Mobility network which provides professional support and guidance for drivers with restricted mobility. Service users self-refer or are signposted from the DVLA, Motability, Police and healthcare professionals. Each centre aims to provide independence to all people, of any age, who have restricted mobility or have experienced a life changing diagnosis.

Emily watched several YouTube videos showing various adapted car controls however she needed professional guidance from Driving Mobility to recommend the most appropriate systems for her. Emily went along to the centre and completed a driving assessment: “I already had my provisional licence and had passed the theory test at 19. However, to gain my full driving licence I needed lessons in an adapted car which suited my disability, I planned to apply for one from Motability.  When I went to Rockwood Hospital the Occupational Therapists and Approved Driving Instructors were all so lovely – firstly I completed a medical questionnaire to check my current condition including medication levels. My dosage was low so no problem there and as my disability only affects my legs the process began of determining the right controls for me. They had a fancy hi-tech driving simulator which I tried with different types of adaptations. They also took me through a brochure of different options and then we went out on the road in one of their cars. The have a big fleet of vehicles to try there. The car I drove included the type of controls that the centre recommended however they said it would still be a bit of trial and error to get the exact solution that was right for me. I was accompanied by a Driving Instructor and OT so felt safe and confident. The experience was amazing, it was a great day!”

Once Emily was happy with the recommended adaptations, she began the process of applying for a Motability vehicle. The car would be fitted with a steering ball plus grip and push-pull hand controls for accelerating/braking – inbuilt buttons for indicators and secondary functions. Driving Mobility signposted Emily to a selection of local vehicle convertors of which she chose LTC Mobility in Llanelli to adapt her Renault Clio. Once her Motability car was ready, Emily was introduced to a selection of specialist instructors so she could begin driving lessons: “The instructor I chose was really well experienced and gave me lots of confidence. I only needed lessons for six months and passed at the first attempt!”

“I think Driving Mobility are awesome – to think they were my first port of call and got the job done so well… I’m forever indebted. Also, the fact that they didn’t just focus on driving, but gave me solutions for all the other stuff, was superb. This started right from the off when I got into an assessment car – they immediately suggested a transfer board to bridge the gap between wheelchair and driver’s seat. Being able to store and access my wheelchair easier was also solved. They questioned how I intended to get my wheelchair in and out of the car especially as I’m petite. Folding and lifting my wheelchair would have been a nightmare so they recommended a ‘roof topper’ box. It’s so clever – it lifts and lowers my wheelchair right next to the driver’s door and stores it on the roof, really accessible. Even my binman has said its ‘so cool’!”

Being able to drive has literally changed Emily’s life. Spending time with her friends and shopping are always top of her list along with enjoying the local music scene: “Admittedly gigs are off at the moment but that hasn’t stopped me going out whilst following the social distancing guidelines. Most of my friends have never driven, I’d say about 60% don’t drive as they see driving as stressful. This means I’m the main driver to pick people up one at a time these days. I have my freedom… it’s the best thing in the world and reflects my abilities as a disabled person.”

Emily concludes: “When disabled individuals are pigeon-holed as ‘people like you’ it really frustrates me. There is always ability in every disability and I want able bodied people to understand and appreciate that. My vlogging aims to encourage, educate and empower ­– both to help fellow disabled people and the general public. I’d rather people be inquisitive than ignorant. Even when I passed my driving test, I received comments that implied a person with cerebral palsy should never be able to drive. This needs to change and will.”

“I can’t thank the team enough at Driving Mobility for helping me achieve my goal and I continue to admire what they do every day. They make sure as many people as possible can live their life to the full; championing independence and supporting people to adapt in an unadapted world. Even when I started driving full-time they followed up with calls to check I was doing ok… they really care. For anyone looking to drive with a disability I’d say this…don’t give up and believe in yourself. Never put timescales on milestones and always be proud of what you have achieved. Achievement can be taxing with a disability however this means the prize is even more rewarding in the end.”

Motability Post FAQs from the Motability Scheme regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on website

Motability updates website to include a useful list of FAQs regarding COVID-19.

Motability has recently (23 April 2020) updated its website to include a useful list of FAQs regarding COVID-19.

The new website page states: “The Government announcements regarding COVID-19 are having a major impact on the Motability Scheme. Most dealership showrooms are now closed meaning they are unable to accept any orders, manage handovers, or car returns.

With the uncertainty that this is creating for many of us, we wanted to reassure you that we will support you where possible to help you remain mobile during this time. Our teams have now relocated to enable remote working, but like many organisations, we are working with fewer numbers of colleagues, so would ask for your support if we are unable to come back to you as soon as usual.”

The list of FAQs includes answers to commonly asked questions such as:

  • My lease expires in the next three months, what will happen if I can’t place an application for a new car?
  • I have placed an application, will the handover of my car go ahead?
  • I was in the process of choosing my first car on the Scheme but had not yet placed an application, can I still go ahead?
  • I do not want to place a renewal application, how do I hand my car back?
  • What will happen with my Good Condition Bonus?

Plus many more…..

There is also a section for scooter and powered wheelchair customers

Please visit the link below to view the full list:

FAQs from the Motability Scheme regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)


Motability cancel regional One Big Day events and postpone The Big Event

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Motability regret to announce the cancellation of some of their regional One Big Day events and the postponement of The Big Event.

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Motability, has regretfully announced the cancellation of some of their  regional One Big Day events and the postponement of The Big Event.

In an online statement they said “The safety of all event visitors continues to be our number one priority and therefore we have taken the decision to cancel One Big Day Northern Ireland (6 June 2020) and One Big Day Exeter (25 July 2020). Additionally, The Big Event due to take place at the NEC on the 3 & 4 July 2020 is now postponed until further notice. We apologise for any disappointment this may cause.

You can keep up to date with all Motability One Big Day Events here:

Driving Mobility’s DrivAbility and RDAC successfully showcased services at The Big Event

‘The Big Event’ is Motability’s flagship event and the teams had a busy two days on the Driving Mobility stand.

Teams from Derby DrivAbility and Birmingham’s Regional Driving Assessment Centre (RDAC) represented Driving Mobility at Motability’s ‘The Big Event’ on Friday 28 June and Saturday 29 June 2019.

‘The Big Event’ is Motability’s flagship event and the teams had a busy two days on the Driving Mobility stand.


Henna Zaman, Derby DrivAbility and Steve Dent, RDAC were ready and waiting to say hello to visitors on day one. They answered any questions visitors had about assessment centre services, driving assessments, modifications, adaptations, driving safety and vehicle loading. They also demonstrated the Ford C Max to visitors.

In addition to the stand activity Steve Dent, Assessment Manager, and Barbara Hutton, Occupational Therapist delivered talks on ‘advice and support available at driving assessment centres’ in the busy main Speaker Area.

The One Big Day programme of events will now take place in four locations across the country, offering disabled motorists and their families the chance to discover worry-free motoring.  The regional One Big Days are free to attend and offer visitors the chance to see a large display of vehicles for disabled people.

The event will showcase:

  • Over 50 cars from 25 different manufacturers
  • Over 20 adapted cars and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV)
  • Over 35 scooters and powered wheelchairs
  • Specialist advice from our Scheme partners

At One Big Day Exeter specialist advice will be available from:

  • Motability Scheme advisors
  • Adaptation and WAV specialists
  • Disabled Motoring UK
  • Driving Mobility
  • Kwikfit, RAC and RSA Motability

The One Big Day event dates and venues are:

  • One Big Day at Westpoint, Exeter, Saturday 27 July 2019
  • One Big Day at Yorkshire Event Centre, Harrogate, Saturday 10 August 2019
  • One Big Day at East of England Arena, Peterborough, Saturday 7 September 2019
  • One Big Day at Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh, Saturday 21 September 2019

Please check the Motability website for more information: