East Anglian Driveability Archives - Driving Mobility

East Anglian DriveAbility’s extended centre in Thetford successfully launches to help elderly and disabled drivers

East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has officially opened its new extended Thetford centre to high visitor numbers.   

East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD), a charity which is part of Driving Mobility’s UK network of assessment centres for elderly and disabled drivers, has officially opened its new extended Thetford centre to high visitor numbers.

Isabel Coe, retired Centre Manager, officially cut the ribbon to celebrate the opening of the new training facilities and expanded waiting area facilities. The opening was also supported by Helen Dolphin MBE, chair of the EAD charity and highly respected accessibility campaigner. A high number of visitors attended particularly Occupational Therapists (OT) and fellow healthcare professionals who were keen to discover more about the latest services offered by EAD. EAD is currently expanding its services beyond driving assessments to include quality guidance regarding all forms of accessible travel and independent mobility.

Driving Mobility accredits twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. EAD is part of this network with centres in Thetford and Colchester. In addition to guidance regarding adapted controls and wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV), its OTs and Driving Advisors provide additional advice regarding mobility scooters, powerchairs and wheelchairs.

The open day showcased several adapted cars and WAVs from the EAD fleet which included a variety of specialist driving controls and disabled driver and upfront passenger solutions. Visitors were also able to meet several specialist manufacturers which included TGA mobility scooters, Autochair car boot hoists and the WAV convertor Sirus Automotive. The TGA mobility scooter test drive course proved to be busy all day with OTs trialing products and gaining new insight. CEA Mobility, Andys Kars and David Relph also assisted with vehicle adaptations during the event.

Yvette Bateman, CEO, East Anglian DriveAbility, comments: “Our official opening was a significant success for visitors and our charity. Attendees told us they gained so much from coming to the event and hence we now plan to hold an open day annually at either our Thetford or Colchester centre. It was a delight to welcome lots of OT students from the UEA who gained invaluable vehicle and product knowledge for future client prescriptions.  Thank you to all the EAD team for organising such a positive event and we appreciate the support of several manufacturers who attended and added depth to our showcase. We are proud of our new facilities which give us the platform to expand services so independent mobility is achievable for many more people whether that’s in a car or any other mode of accessible transport.”

The importance of driving assessments for older drivers

Following the Duke of Edinburgh’s road traffic accident, East Anglian Driveability featured on BBC Look East highlighting the importance of driving assessments for older drivers.

Duke of Edingburgh crash - safer driving for older drivers

Following the Duke of Edinburgh’s recent road traffic accident, East Anglian DriveAbility featured on BBC Look East, with Yvette Bateman, Chief Executive, highlighting the importance of driving assessments for older drivers.

Driving Mobility accredited centres, located throughout the UK, help older drivers to continue driving for as long as they are safe to do so. Driving assessments provide vital opportunities to update driving skills and reassurance for older drivers that they are still safe behind the wheel. The Driving Mobility centres also support older drivers considering retirement from driving with professional help and advice.

If you would like to arrange an Older Driver’s assessment or discover your local centre: https://www.drivingmobility.org.uk/find-a-centre/

For more details on older driver improvement please visit: https://www.drivingmobility.org.uk/our-services/older-driver-improvement/

Video by BBC Look East

East Anglian DriveAbility ensures Michael is safe to drive with early Alzheimer’s

East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has given Michael Burton from Chelmsford the all clear to continue driving with early stage dementia.

Part of the Driving Mobility national network of driving assessment centres, East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has given Michael Burton from Chelmsford the all clear to continue driving with early stage dementia.

Driving Mobility oversees twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. EAD is part of this network with centres in Thetford and Colchester. In addition to driving assessments, its Occupational Therapists and Driving Advisors provide several additional services including guidance regarding specialist paediatric car seats and mobility scooters.

Following his diagnosis Michael was referred by the DVLA to East Anglian DriveAbility for a comprehensive fitness-to-drive assessment. Michael’s wife, Sharon, comments: “Being diagnosed with dementia doesn’t mean that Michael has to stop driving immediately, however the DVLA do require confirmation that my husband is safe to continue. We didn’t have to wait long for an assessment date at the Colchester centre.”

Michael attended EAD in November 2018 where he was professionally assessed by an Occupational Therapist and an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI). They explained the process and collected detailed information regarding his medical background and driving experience. Michael then undertook a series of cognitive and perceptual tests which assessed how his brain interprets what he sees around him and the way this information is used for planning. Sharon expands: “We were very impressed with the thoroughness of the assessment and the supportive attitude of the EAD team. Michael was shown road signs to identify and asked the speed limits for various types of roads. His eyesight was checked to see if he could read number plates at the legally required distance and his peripheral vision was tested. We were pleased that he passed the required target levels within this part of the assessment.”

For the second part Michael was accompanied by an ADI and Occupational Therapist during a road test in a dual-controlled vehicle. Michael’s steering, braking and reactions were monitored as well as his speed and decision-making. On return to the centre the specialist staff presented their finding to Michael and Sharon. Sharon explains: “Everything was absolutely fine, which was a relief to both of us. The staff were very informative. They explained that Michael’s awareness and anticipation were at a good level, as were his road positioning and understanding of width and distance.”

Following Michael’s assessment, EAD have provided the DVLA with a detailed written report and requested that Michael attends regular follow-up assessments. Whilst the Burtons understand a time will come when Michael will need to stop driving, they feel reassured that EAD will be monitoring the situation closely and offering professional support.

Sharon concludes: “EAD have really been very helpful and friendly – we couldn’t fault the assessment process. The staff were meticulous with their questions whilst making Michael feel at ease from the beginning. It was obvious that they understood our needs and situation. I have already recommended EAD’s services to new friends we have made at a local Alzheimer’s group. Michael is still in the early stages of dementia but moving forwards, we are happy that EAD will continue to assess his cognitive and driving abilities. It lessens the worry for both of us by knowing we are in good hands.”



East Anglian DriveAbility steers Gary towards safe independent driving from a wheelchair

East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has assisted Gary Gray from Braintree to discover motoring independence with a disability.

Driving Assessment

Part of the Driving Mobility national network of driving assessment centres, East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has assisted Gary Gray from Braintree to discover motoring independence with a disability.

Driving Mobility oversees twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. EAD is part of this network with centres in Thetford and Colchester. In addition to driving assessments, its Occupational Therapists and Driving Advisors provide several additional services including guidance regarding specialist paediatric car seats and mobility scooters.

Gary, 53 from Braintree, worked as a Mobile Tyre Fitter until he became ill with peripheral neuropathy in 2011, a condition which develops when nerves in the body’s extremities are damaged. He subsequently spent considerable time dealing with life-changing consequences and was unable to drive for several years. Before contacting EAD, he had attempted to test drive a WAV (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle), which resulted in damage to the vehicle and a serious dent to his already ‘rock-bottom’ confidence. By self-referring himself to EAD, Gary was determined to find professional and appropriate advice that would re-enable safe independent driving.

Gary comments: “This time a comprehensive assessment took place before I was allowed near a vehicle. This was to provide the EAD staff, including an OT and Approved Driving Instructor, with a true picture of my health, medical requirements and physical and cognitive abilities. It was very professional and completely different to my first experience elsewhere. When I began the actual driving assessment, I was accompanied by specialist staff and received guidance throughout. I tried different options for getting in and out of a vehicle and trialled new assistive controls, such as a steering wheel knob – all at a pace that suited me.”

Following the assessment, EAD provided a comprehensive report which advised Gary on suitable adaptations for safe driving and suggested further lessons would be beneficial. Once these are completed, Gary hopes to choose a vehicle with adaptations via the Motability scheme, based on EAD recommendations.

Gary concludes: “I would really like a drive-from-wheelchair vehicle as this would be easiest for me. EAD have been extremely helpful in showing me all the different aids and adaptations. I now know that a steering wheel knob and wheelchair ramp will be essential which I hadn’t considered before. I feel so informed which will definitely help me with purchasing and driving requirements. Thanks to EAD independent driving is now a possibility for me for the first time in over seven years.”

Motability’s One Big Day in Peterborough

East Anglian DriveAbility and Hertfordshire Action on Disability Mobility Care are delighted to be attending Motability’s One Big Day on Saturday 8th September in Peterborough

One Big Day Peterborough

East Anglian DriveAbility and Hertfordshire Action on Disability Mobility Care are delighted to be attending Motability’s One Big Day at the East of England Arena in Peterborough on Saturday 8th September 2018, 9am – 4pm.

This is a fantastic opportunity to discover to talk to the friendly Driving Mobility centres and find out what each of the driving assessment centres do and the different services they have to offer. The teams will be able to supply professional, high quality information, advice and assessment to people who need to gain or retain independence through mobility.

One Big Day at the East of England Arena provides the perfect opportunity to discover everything you need to know about worry-free motoring with Motability. There is a huge range of cars, adaptations, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, scooters and powered wheelchairs on display and what’s more, admission is free!

A fun, fact-finding day out for all the family!