Powered Wheelchair Safety Archives - Driving Mobility

Driving Mobility and Department for Transport launch pilot mobility retailer training for safer scooter driving

The Powered Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter (PWMS) Driving Safety Assessment training scheme is being piloted to increase training to mobility retailers and distributors, so their staff provide consistent and accredited safe driving guidance to consumers.

Driving Mobility, the charity that co-ordinates driving and mobility assessment centres across the UK, has launched the PWMS Driving Safety Assessment training scheme for mobility retailers, supported by the Department for Transport.

A strict number of free places are available at:

  • QEF, 1 Metcalfe Ave, Carshalton SM5 4AW, 16th and 30th September 2021.
  • William Merritt Centre, Aire House, 100 Town St, Rodley, Leeds LS13 1HP,
    13th and 14th September 2021.

Booking is advised to avoid disappointment. To apply for training on the Driving Safety Assessment scheme, email Driving Mobility at: pwms_training@drivingmobility.org.uk or sign up here

The Powered Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter (PWMS) Driving Safety Assessment training scheme is being piloted to increase training to mobility retailers and distributors, so their staff provide consistent and accredited safe driving guidance to consumers. The pilot scheme is free of charge, and combines online training with a half day visit to a local Driving Mobility centre where a qualified clinician will teach the most appropriate way to advise on product provision and road safety. Successful applicants and their respective companies will receive accreditation from Driving Mobility, supported in England by Department for Transport – demonstrating approved competencies in driver training and reiterating their ethical approach.

This scheme is being introduced as many mobility retailers are voicing interest in driver proficiency training for their scooter and powerchair customers. This is coupled with outdated legislation regarding use of Class 2 and 3 mobility vehicles and grey areas with the law, resulting in a growing need for consistent guidance across the UK. Mobility scooter and powered wheelchair ownership continues to grow and with it the potential for possible road safety issues, however this new scheme aims to solve this issue whilst enhancing the service of reputable mobility retailers.

Edward Trewhella, CEO, Driving Mobility, comments: “Ideally anyone purchasing a mobility vehicle should receive training to ensure they are safe to drive. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In response to this, we are establishing the feasibility of a nationwide certificated assessment and training scheme as part of the Government’s inclusive strategy. By receiving this employee training, mobility retailer staff will be more knowledgeable, confident and end users will benefit from a better, safer ownership experience. I encourage all mobility retailers to sign up for this free training to not only benefit from official accreditation, but to steer future safety legislation from the Government. This will not be a barrier to customer purchases, in fact, it will be the exact opposite as your enhanced support of customers will lead to more recommendations.”

Only one member of staff from a retailer needs to complete the course for the ability to train fellow employees in the future. Clinical training or expertise is not a prerequisite, with a focus on easy-to-understand training and once the course is successfully completed, applicants will receive an official certificate of accreditation which can be displayed in retail showrooms.
