Regional Transport Hub in Newcastle Archives - Driving Mobility

Newcastle HUB project

Vera shared how lonely and isolated she was felt in conversations with the Regional Transport Hub in Newcastle. As a result of this, the Hub supported her in joining Community Transport’s ‘Pop to the Shops’ weekly group.

Pictured above are Lynn Roberts (HUBS Lead at Newcastle) Vera and Jean.

Lynn writes: “Moving home meant Vera lived closer to her family, but it also meant losing touch with friends and neighbours. Vera shared how lonely and isolated she was felt in conversations with the Regional Transport Hub in Newcastle. As a result of this, the Hub supported her in joining Community Transport’s ‘Pop to the Shops’ weekly group. Vera is now transported to and from Morrison’s each week with the friendly help and support of Community Transport drivers, enjoying shopping and a cuppa with company afterwards.

Although putting Vera in touch with Community Transport’s ‘Pop to the Shops’ scheme seemed a small thing, it’s wonderful to see the chain of events that have unfolded from this. Not only has Vera made new friends, but is now looking at a move to sheltered accommodation where many of the group already live. This would greatly improve her social interaction which is something she and her family would see a positive move.

A happy outcome and wonderful to put a face to a name! (Nice to meet Jean too)”.

Find out more about our new ‘Hubs’ services at seven Driving Mobility assessment centres across the UK.